Hi, I’m Dave
My History and Family
Hello, I am Westminster Councillor David DeMott elected 2017. I am a Westminster native. I grew up in the Countryside neighborhood in Westminster near Standley Lake. My parents still live in the same home I grew up in with my three siblings. I am married with four children. My wife and I are raising our family in the same Standley Lake area less than a mile from the home I grew up in. I love the city of Westminster and I am honored to raise my family in it. I am a Vice President of IT and Systems working in the technology field for more than 20 years. I graduated from Westwood College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Network Management and have been working in that field since 2002. I also worked for many years adjunct instructor teaching computer classes at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood. As with all aspects of my life and family, I think it is important to be involved in order to make a difference in our community and world. I have three teens and one adult child with my amazing wife Vanessa. Vanessa and I both enjoy time with our family and friends. I am a man of faith. I believe in the founding principles of this nation that all people are born with a natural right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We live in a nation of many people from many cultures with many beleifs and we need to celebrate that and protect the rights of all people to enjoy their journey of life, liberty, and search for happiness. We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world that has not always been perfect, but we always strive to do better and work forward from our past mistakes.
In the past three years, I have listened closely to the residents who trusted me with the honor of representing their voice on council.
We have all heard the stories of making hard choices between things like food and medicine or paying ever-rising water bills. I have seen our neighborhoods go brown as people choose to let the lawn go to be able to cope with the rising costs year after year. Hurting our neighborhoods and people’s property values.
I voted to stop unreasonable water rates and worked to find a better path to fund our vital infrastructure and not break the backs of the community.
Together we have fought uncontrolled growth of the top-level of our city government and voted many times against the bloat we have seen at city hall.
I have worked to have a fiscally responsible government, who listens to the will of We the People!
As I promised we have continued to prioritize well-funded and trained police and fire departments. That work as partners to our community to keep this a safe city to live in.
I have been and will continue to be the servant leader I promised to be!
I have shown I will work to have policies that are guided by the best interest of the people. For water rates that allow Westminster to be an affordable place to live. To continue to assure we deliver top-rate quality services, that police, and fire show up when you call 911, that our streets are clear when it snows, that your tax dollars go to grow and maintain our parks and open space and that we don’t have waste on government that does not benefit We the People!!!
With that, I ask that you support my reelection and formally announce I will defend my seat and continue to defend the best interests of Westminster and those who live here. I humbly ask for your vote once again and that you vote for candidates who will give us one more vote to change the Westminster leadership and right the direction of our great city!!
So join me and together We the People will make government work for all of us!!
More about Dave.
- Community Involvement
- Elected to Council 2017
- Member of Citizen Police Academy Alumni
- Member of Citizen Fire Academy Alumni
- Member of Citizens on Patrol
- Board Member Butterfly Pavilion
- Former Board Member of Seniors’ Resource Center
- Former Board Member of Neighbors for Countryside Home Owners group
- Former Board Member of Westminster 7:10 Rotary Foundation
- Member of Historical Society
- Active Church Member